Apart from INPUTS, CREDIT,
important element for the growth of agriculture. Success of TOT is mainly
depends on the mode of delivery system. If proven technology fails in the field
due to the deficiency in delivery system, it will be very difficult to
recuperate and there is high possibility that farmers’ may lose confidence.
Present delivery system of TOT through grant based model having several defects
such as wrong selection of progressive farmer, more emphasis on inputs rather
than the technology transfer, limited resources, less chances of replication
and weak monitoring i.e. no follow up for extension.
TOTTC approach is nothing
but incorporating mix system of grant and credit in delivery system. Capacity
building portion of the TOT can be delivered in the form of grant. Critical
inputs, which are responsible for enhancement of productivity and improvement
in quality, should be given through credit only. Credit initially should be
given without any interest (REFUND MODEL) but gradually some nominal charges
may be levied so that cost of delivery may be recovered. While formulating any
TOT proposal, proper assessment of incremental benefits expected by reduction
of input cost, increase in productivity and enhancement of rate of
output-product due to quality should be always have higher than the cost of
critical inputs. Since every project has some risk (demonstration failure etc),
hence there is need to cover risk by introducing insurance for TOT.
Benefit Cost Ratio of the
TOTTC : Demonstration
for enhancement of the productivity through “System of Rice Intensification”
were carried out in two blocks namely Bhaluani and Deoria Sadar in District
Deoria. 144 demonstrations were undertaken in 13 villages during Khraif 2013.
Area of one demonstration was kept 0.33 acre. Batch-wise, village-wise capacity
building programmes were carried out through audio-visual as well by agronomist
expert from KVKs. Critical inputs were supply of dhaincha seed, vermin-compost,
cono-weeder and markers. Brief summary and financial returns from these
demonstration are as under :
Area per demonstration for SRI
Cost of inputs for critical interventions
Enhancement of average productivity
2.6 q
Incremental Return due to incremental
Incremental Return due to reduction in
input cost
Rs.215/- to Rs.925/-
Total incremental benefit
Rs.3725/- to Rs.4435/-
Benefit Cost Ratio
2.13 to 2.53